Noserider 2 Board Review

Check out the Noserider 2 Model here.

Josh Seemann recently reviewed the Noserider 2 - the updated version of our original noserider. Check out the full video above.

The Noserider 2 is an updated version of our classic Noserider, but with more refined rails, concave and rocker profile.  Its user friendly dims make it well balanced, easy to turn, and very stable - all helping the rider get the most time possible on the nose!

Crime Noserider Longboard ModelJosh Seemann at the CRIME shop in Oceanside, CA (above); Josh checks out the nose concave on the 9'2" Noserider 2 (below)Crime Noserider Longboard Model

Thinner, more refined rails make it easier to keep the Noserider 2 in the pocket while noseriding, as well making it more responsive off the tail. A modest concave in the nose helps slow the board down so you can noseride as long as possible.

Crime Noserider Longboard Model

A generous amount of tail rocker gives you extra lift while you're on the nose.

Crime Noserider Longboard Model

A slight edge in the tail speeds the board up. This, as well as the flip in the tail, help it whip around faster while turning.

Crime Noserider Longboard ModelJosh Seemann holding the 9'6" Noserider 2 in Sand; 9'2" Noserider 2 in Slate is on the ground.

The Noserider 2 is available in Slate and Sand, sizes 9'2", 9'6", and 10'0". CLICK HERE to shop now.

Crime Noserider Longboard Model

Crime Noserider Longboard Model

Crime Noserider Longboard Model

Crime Noserider Longboard ModelCrime Noserider Longboard Model

Crime Noserider Longboard ModelCrime Noserider Longboard ModelCrime Noserider Longboard Model

Check out the Noserider 2 Model here.